bengal cats PL
Jadry Cattery - Bengal Cats

Memory Lane

Status: Available
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Status: Available
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Supreme Champion Wild Africa Sparkiling Stars JW in the home called "Sparki"
, born March 19, 2009. Father - Dazzledots Spotlight Image of Wild Africa, mother - Azanabengals Fire Kiss of Wild Africa.
Shows Sparki:
1 x BIS Kitten 3-6
4 x BIS Kitten 6-10 - and the title JUNIOR WINNER
1 x BIS Cat3 and BOB3 (Zamosc 14/03/2010)
16 x BIV
21 x certificate and the title of supreme beauty cat - SUPREME CHAMPION

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Supreme Premior Arteusz Jadry

Arteusz Jadry * Pl - born 07.02.2008 year, a descendant of Zander and Driada. Wonderful, big black solid - this kitten could not be put in any hands. Arteusz is our sweety.
Arteusz titles = SP - SUPREME PREMIOR formerly called the Premior Europe, acquired in the fastest possible way to 21 shows in just 6 months

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Zander Lavender Love*PL


PL * Lavender Love - black tabby MCO n 22, born February 10, 2007. As befits a guy, a big, heavy but calm balanced herd leader.

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Zadra - 1994-2009

Black cat - regular cat. We received it from our friends in the consolation after Tobiasz. Unfortunately this was not possible ... Zadra chose for a patron our son and for 15 years, she was his cat. We was of course, tolerated, and she was for us nice and kind ... but her love and devotion gave to our son. In her youth, she all the time broke something so thats why she receive name Zadra. She did welcome and accepted at home first of Maine Coon cats.

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Plamka - 2001-2008

Beautiful cat, thre colour, of course regular cat :) . Met on vacation in Tomaszów near Olsztyn, so much resembled Waflinê, who recently left us, that had to be with us. Warm, gentle cat. Incurable disease would not let her too long to enjoy life.

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Waflina - 1981-2001

Regular house cat- but one of a kind .... Three colour cat. For 20 years, always the most faithful friend and beloved cat. Taken as a baby, a kitten several weeks from the train station in Gizycko, by the end of herdays, she give back all her love for saving her life. About her life in our house, you can write a book ... Since it all began. Will forever be in our hearts.

Tobiasz - 1984-1993

Beautiful black male, regular cat... Brought in the pocket of polo shirts from the train station in Wroclaw. He had to be with us for a few days, he remained forever. Great pet. He hed all the love from two persons in the house - his owner and Waflina. He lived a short nine years, but he left so much heat that even today, all males are assimilated to him